Ratec srl has received from the Italian Navy the duty to define shape, dimensions, interfaces, materials of a NATO standard coupling according to STANAG 1450.
Standard interfaces, as described at enclosure I to NATO STANG 1450, are used to connect the inlet and the outlet air hoses to the correspondent DISSUB (DIStressed SUBmarine) connectors.
Ratec Ltd. has developed the project consisting of:
- analysis of the national standards interfaces,
- analysis of the operational procedures of the distressed submarine (DISSUB)
- calculation and dimensioning thicknesses of couplings,
- dimensioning of the coupling of the two halves of the fitting STANAG 1450 to allow rotation and alignment in the tightening phase,
- sizing of work plans,
- choice of materials of construction.
Ratec Ltd. has supplied to the Italian Navy No. 4 series of fittings, successfully tested and in use at the SPAG (Submarine Parachute Assistance Group).